I confirmed a transaction, but my balances didn’t change. When you do your first public swap with a selected token, the first transaction you sign allows the program to access your balance. The second transaction will perform the actual swap.

I have a lot of private Aleo Credits, but the program still says I don’t have enough to pay transaction fees. Aleo has a unique architecture with public and private tokens. Currently, only public Aleo Credits can be used to pay fees on Arcane Finance. Please convert some amount of private Aleo Credits into public using Leo Wallet.

My transaction got rejected, why? Do I still get rewards? There might be several reasons for transactions being rejected, but as per our observations, too low slippage is one of them. So please try to increase slippage percentage if your transaction is rejected. Good news is that if your transaction appeared onchain you will get your Coinbase rewards anyway, even it was rejected by the network!

I only have private ALEO. How can I get public ALEO? You can easily swap your private ALEO for public ALEO directly in your wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed, your public ALEO balance will be updated, allowing you to proceed with public transactions on Arcane Finance.

My transaction was pending for too long, should I try again? Transactions can sometimes take longer depending on network conditions. We recommend waiting for confirmation before attempting a new transaction. If you experience a significant delay, try adjusting the slippage or gas settings to ensure a smoother transaction process.

Last updated